Animals that Start with E | Name An Animal Beginning With E

Welcome to our latest blog post on the topic of “Animals that Start with E”.

Animals are fascinating creatures that come in all shapes and sizes, and today we will be exploring some of the most interesting and unique animals that start with the letter E.

From elephants to eagles, the animal kingdom is filled with incredible creatures that are both beautiful and mysterious.

In this post, we will take a closer look at some of these animals, learning about their habits, habitats, and other interesting facts that make them stand out from the rest.

So, let’s dive in and discover the amazing world of animals that start with E!

Animals that Start with E

Animals that Start with E

Animals are fascinating creatures and they come in all shapes and sizes. If you are looking for animals that start with the letter “E”, you will find plenty of them! Let’s take a look at some of the most interesting animals that start with the letter E.

Elephants are one of the largest land animals in the world. They are known for their long trunks and big ears. Elephants are herbivores and can eat up to 300 pounds of food a day. They are also known for their great memories and can remember things for many years.

Eagles are magnificent birds of prey that are known for their sharp talons and strong beaks. They have excellent eyesight and can see prey from a great distance. Eagles are also known for their incredible flying abilities and can soar through the sky for hours without flapping their wings.

Eels are long, snake-like fish that are found in both freshwater and saltwater. They have slimy skin and can grow up to 10 feet in length. Eels are known for their ability to generate an electric shock, which they use to stun their prey.

There are many fascinating animals that start with the letter “E”. Whether you are interested in land animals, birds, or fish, there is an animal that will capture your attention.

Name An Animal Beginning With E

There are so many amazing animals that start with “E” – Let’s learn more about today.

Animals that Start with E With Image

Animals that Start with E With Image

List Animals Beginning With E and Where they Found

List of 100 animals that start with the letter “E”, along with their serial number and the country where they are commonly found:

Serial No. Animal Name Country
1 Eagle Worldwide
2 Elephant Africa, Asia
3 Elk North America, Europe
4 Eel Worldwide
5 Emu Australia
6 Egret Worldwide
7 Eastern Lowland Gorilla Africa
8 Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake North America
9 Eastern Grey Kangaroo Australia
10 Eastern Hognose Snake North America
11 Eastern Mud Turtle North America
12 Eastern Newt North America
13 Eastern Rosella Australia
14 Eastern Spinebill Australia
15 Eastern Water Dragon Australia
16 Echidna Australia, New Guinea
17 Edible Frog Europe
18 Egyptian Cobra Africa
19 Egyptian Goose Africa
20 Electric Catfish Africa
21 Elephant Seal Antarctica
22 Elf Owl North America
23 Elk North America, Europe
24 Emerald Tree Boa South America
25 Emperor Penguin Antarctica
26 Emperor Scorpion Africa
27 Emperor Tamarin South America
28 Emu-wren Australia
29 English Cocker Spaniel United Kingdom
30 English Pointer United Kingdom
31 English Springer Spaniel United Kingdom
32 Ermine Worldwide
33 Eurasian Lynx Europe, Asia
34 Eurasian Red Squirrel Europe, Asia
35 European Badger Europe, Asia
36 European Bison Europe
37 European Eel Europe
38 European Goldfinch Europe
39 European Otter Europe
40 European Polecat Europe
41 European Robin Europe
42 European Roller Europe
43 European Wildcat Europe
44 Eyelash Viper Central and South America
45 Ezo Red Fox Japan
46 Eared Dove South America
47 Eastern Chipmunk North America
48 Eastern Fox Squirrel North America
49 Eastern Gray Squirrel North America
50 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly North America
51 Eastern Wolf North America
52 Ecuadorian Squirrel Monkey South America
53 Egyptian Fruit Bat Africa, Middle East
54 Egyptian Jackal Africa
55 Electric Ray Worldwide
56 Emerald Hummingbird South America
57 Emerald Toucanet Central and South America
58 Emperor Angelfish Pacific Ocean
59 Emperor Shrimp Pacific Ocean
60 Emperor Tuna Pacific Ocean
61 Emperor Wrasse Pacific Ocean
62 Emperor Moth Europe, Asia, Africa
63 European Fire Salamander Europe
64 European Mole Europe, Asia
65 European Nightjar Europe
66 Ethiopian Wolf Ethiopia
67 Eurasian Spoonbill Europe, Asia
68 Emerald Swallowtail South America
69 Elegant Crested Tinamou South America
70 Eastern Bluebird North America
71 Eastern Brown Snake Australia
72 Electric Eel South America
73 Elf Frog South America
74 European Green Woodpecker Europe
75 Eared Grebe North America
76 Eastern Yellow Robin Australia
77 Eurasian Hoopoe Europe, Asia, Africa
78 European Bee-eater Europe, Asia, Africa
79 Elegant Sunbird Africa
80 Ethiopian Hedgehog Ethiopia
81 Egyptian Tortoise Africa, Middle East
82 Elephant Shrew Africa
83 European Glass Lizard Europe
84 Echimyid Rodent South America
85 Emerald Monitor Australia
86 Eastern Diamondback Terrapin North America
87 Emerald Swamphen Australia
88 Eastern Grey Squirrel Glider Australia
89 Ethiopian Grass Rat Africa
90 Eungella Day Frog Australia
91 Emei Shan Liocichla China
92 European Water Vole Europe, Asia
93 Emperor Newt China
94 Egyptian Mongoose Africa
95 Eight-banded Butterflyfish Pacific Ocean
96 Eastern Water Skink Australia
97 Echinothrix Calamaris Pacific Ocean
98 Erythrocebus Patas Africa
99 Egyptian Rousette Africa, Middle East
100 European Squid Europe, Asia, Africa

Some Interesting Facts About Animals Beginning With Letter E

Here are some interesting facts about animals that begin with the letter E:

Animal Name Interesting Fact
Eagle Eagles have powerful eyesight and can spot prey from a distance of over two miles.
Elephant Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth and can weigh up to 22,000 pounds.
Eel Eels are slimy, snake-like fish that can live for up to 80 years.
Emu Emus are flightless birds that can run up to 30 miles per hour.
Echidna Echidnas are monotremes, meaning they are egg-laying mammals.
Elk Elk are large, majestic animals that can weigh up to 1,100 pounds.
Egret Egrets are wading birds that are known for their beautiful white plumage.
Earthworm Earthworms are essential to healthy soil and can digest up to one-third of their body weight each day.
Emperor Penguin Emperor penguins are the largest penguins in the world and can dive up to 1,800 feet underwater.
Eastern Bluebird Eastern bluebirds are small, colorful birds that are known for their beautiful song.
Electric Eel Electric eels can generate an electric shock of up to 600 volts, which they use to stun prey and defend themselves.
Eastern Box Turtle Eastern box turtles are small turtles that can live for up to 100 years.
European Bison European bison are large, powerful animals that were nearly extinct in the wild, but have made a comeback in recent years.
Ethiopian Wolf The Ethiopian wolf is the rarest canid in the world and is only found in the highlands of Ethiopia.
Emerald Tree Boa The emerald tree boa is a non-venomous snake that is known for its vibrant green coloration.
Eastern Grey Squirrel The eastern grey squirrel is a common tree squirrel found throughout North America.
Eurasian Lynx The Eurasian lynx is a large wild cat that is found throughout Europe and Asia.
Eastern Hognose Snake The eastern hognose snake is a harmless snake that is known for its dramatic defensive behavior.
European Robin The European robin is a small, colorful bird that is associated with Christmas in many cultures.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly The eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly is a large, colorful butterfly that is found throughout North America.
Eland Elands are large antelopes that are found throughout Africa.
Eurasian Beaver The Eurasian beaver is a large, semi-aquatic rodent that is found throughout Europe and Asia.
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is a venomous snake that is found throughout eastern North America.
Eastern Red Bat The eastern red bat is a small, tree-dwelling bat that is found throughout eastern North America.
Eastern Chipmunk The eastern chipmunk is a small, striped rodent that is found throughout eastern North America.
Edible Frog The edible frog is a common frog species that is native to Europe.
Egyptian Goose The Egyptian goose is a bird species that is native to Africa and has been domesticated in some areas.
Elephant Seal The elephant seal is a large marine mammal that is known for its distinctive trunk-like nose.
Emarginated Monkey The emarginated monkey is a primate species that is native to South America.
Emerald Toucanet The emerald toucanet is a small, colorful bird that is found in the forests of Central and South America.
European Otter The European otter is a semi-aquatic mammal that is found throughout Europe and Asia.
European Polecat The European polecat is a carnivorous mammal that is found throughout Europe and Asia.
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is a venomous snake that is found in southeastern United States.
Eastern Mud Turtle The eastern mud turtle is a small turtle species that is found in eastern North America.
Eastern Quoll The eastern quoll is a carnivorous marsupial that is native to Australia.
Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad The eastern narrow-mouthed toad is a small, insect-eating amphibian that is found in the southeastern United States.
Emei Shan Liocichla The Emei Shan Liocichla is a small, colorful bird that is found in the forests of China.
Emerald Swift The emerald swift is a small bird species that is native to South America.
European Fire Salamander The European fire salamander is a brightly colored amphibian that is found throughout Europe.
Eyelash Viper The eyelash viper is a venomous snake species that is native to Central and South America.
Eastern Water Dragon The eastern water dragon is a large lizard species that is found in Australia.
Emperor Newt The emperor newt is a large, colorful amphibian that is found in Southeast Asia.
Elegant Crested Tinamou The elegant crested tinamou is a bird species that is found in the forests of South America.
European Green Woodpecker The European green woodpecker is a bird species that is found throughout Europe and Asia.
Eared Grebe The eared grebe is a small water bird that is found in North America.
Eastern Ribbon Snake The eastern ribbon snake is a non-venomous snake species that is found in eastern North America.
Epaulette Shark The epaulette shark is a small shark species that is found in the shallow waters of Australia and New Guinea.
Ethiopian Hedgehog The Ethiopian hedgehog is a small, spiny mammal that is found in Africa.
European Mink The European mink is a small, semi-aquatic mammal that is found in Europe and Asia.
Eurasian Curlew The Eurasian curlew is a bird species that is

Conclusion: Animals That Start with E

The animal kingdom is full of diverse creatures, and those that start with the letter E are no exception.

Each animal has its own unique characteristics and plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature.

We have explored some fascinating animals that begin with E, such as elephants, eagles, and echidnas and learned about their habitats, behaviours, and importance to the ecosystem.

By learning about and appreciating these animals, we can develop a greater understanding and respect for the natural world around us.

It is our responsibility to protect these animals and their habitats for future generations to enjoy. Let’s all work together towards a sustainable future for all animals.

Also Read: Animals by Letter Lists –

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