Animals that Start with P | Name An Animal Beginning With P

Welcome to our blog post on the topic “Animals that Start with P”!

Today, we’ll be exploring some of the amazing creatures from around the world whose names begin with the letter P.

From the plains of Africa to the depths of the ocean, there are plenty of fascinating animals to discover.

We’ll take a closer look at where these creatures are found and share some interesting facts about each one.

So, whether you’re an animal lover or simply curious about the world around you, join us as we embark on this exciting journey through the animal kingdom!

Animals that Start with P

Animals that Start with P

Hello Friends, are you curious to know about animals that start with the letter P? Let’s explore some interesting creatures!

First up, we have the Penguin. These flightless birds are found in the southern hemisphere and are known for their distinctive black and white feathers. Penguins are great swimmers and can dive deep into the ocean to catch fish.

Next, we have the Panda, which is a popular animal from China. Pandas are known for their black and white fur and their love for bamboo. These cute and cuddly creatures are endangered, and conservation efforts are being made to protect them.

Another interesting animal that starts with P is the Platypus. This unique mammal is native to Australia and has a duck-like bill, webbed feet, and a beaver-like tail. Platypuses are the only mammals that lay eggs, making them truly one-of-a-kind.

There you have it, Friends! These are just a few of the amazing animals that start with P.

Here we will talk about more animals that start with the letter P, after learning to tell me in the comment section Which one is your favourite?

Name An Animal Beginning With P

There are so many amazing animals that start with “P” – Let’s learn more about today.

Animals that Start with P With Image

Animals that Start with P With Image

List of Animals That Start With Letter P and Where They Found

Here’s a table of more than 100 animals that start with the letter P, along with their serial number and the country where they are typically found:

Serial No. Animal Name Country Found
1 Pacific Loon Canada
2 Paddlefish United States
3 Painted Stork India
4 Palawan Peacock-Pheasant Philippines
5 Palawan Porcupine Philippines
6 Pale Fox Mauritania
7 Palm Civet Southeast Asia
8 Panther South America
9 Papuan Frogmouth Papua New Guinea
10 Parakeet Central and South America
11 Parrot Central and South America
12 Parson Russell Terrier England
13 Pasque Flower Europe
14 Patas Monkey Africa
15 Peacock India
16 Pekingese China
17 Pelican Worldwide
18 Pembroke Welsh Corgi Wales
19 Peregrine Falcon Worldwide
20 Persian Cat Iran
21 Petrel Worldwide
22 Pheasant Asia and Europe
23 Philippine Eagle Philippines
24 Philippine Tarsier Philippines
25 Phoenix Mythical
26 Pied Piper Fictional
27 Pig Worldwide
28 Pika North America
29 Pike Europe, Asia, North America
30 Pike-perch Europe, Asia
31 Pilot Whale Worldwide
32 Pine Marten Europe
33 Pine Siskin North America
34 Pine Snake North America
35 Pink Fairy Armadillo Argentina
36 Pintail Worldwide
37 Piranha South America
38 Pit Bull United States
39 Plains Zebra Africa
40 Planarian Worldwide
41 Platypus Australia
42 Plover Worldwide
43 Pocket Gopher North America
44 Poison Dart Frog Central and South America
45 Polar Bear Arctic
46 Polecat Europe
47 Polish Lowland Sheepdog Poland
48 Pomeranian Germany
49 Pond Skater Worldwide
50 Porbeagle Shark Worldwide
51 Porcupine Worldwide
52 Portuguese Man-of-War Worldwide
53 Portuguese Water Dog Portugal
54 Possum North and South America
55 Prairie Dog North America
56 Praying Mantis Worldwide
57 Prawn Worldwide
58 Proboscis Monkey Borneo
59 Pronghorn North America
60 Pterodactyl Extinct
61 Pudu South America
62 Puff Adder Africa
63 Pufferfish Worldwide
64 Puma North and South America
65 Purple Finch North America
66 Purple Gallinule United States
67 Purple Martin North America
68 Pygmy Hippopotamus West Africa
69 Pygmy Marmoset South America
70 Pygmy Shrew North America
71 Pygmy Slow Loris Southeast Asia
72 Pygmy Sperm Whale Worldwide
73 Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth Panama
74 Pyrenean Mountain Dog Spain
75 Python Africa, Asia, Australia
76 Paddle-tailed Darner South America
77 Pacific Tree Frog North America
78 Painted Turtle North America
79 Palawan Tree Shrew Philippines
80 Pale Chanting Goshawk Africa
81 Palm Cockatoo Australia
82 Panamanian Golden Frog Panama
83 Panda China
84 Pangolin Africa, Asia
85 Papillon France
86 Partridge Europe, Asia, Africa
87 Patagonian Cavy Argentina
88 Peafowl India
89 Pekin Duck China
90 Pelagic Thresher Shark Worldwide
91 Pemba Flying Fox Tanzania
92 Pencil Urchin Worldwide
93 Percheron France
94 Pere David’s Deer China
95 Persian Fallow Deer Iran
96 Philippine Mouse-Deer Philippines
97 Pigeon Worldwide
98 Pine Grosbeak North America
99 Pine Warbler North America
100 Pink Fairy Armadillo Argentina
101 Pink River Dolphin South America
102 Piping Plover North America
103 Piranha South America
104 Plains Bison North America
105 Plains Zebra Africa
106 Platypus Australia
107 Pocket Gopher North America
108 Polar Bear Arctic
109 Polecat Europe, Asia
110 Pomarine Jaeger Worldwide
111 Pomeranian Germany
112 Pond Slider North America
113 Porcupine North America, Africa, Asia
114 Porpoise Worldwide
115 Portuguese Man O’ War Worldwide
116 Prairie Dog North America
117 Praying Mantis Worldwide
118 Proboscis Monkey Borneo
119 Puma Americas

Some Interesting Facts About Animals Beginning With Letter P

Have you ever stopped to wonder about the amazing diversity of animal life on our planet?

From the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, there is an incredible array of creatures that inhabit our world.

And today, we’ll be focusing on animals that all share one thing in common – their names start with the letter P.

Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore some interesting and surprising facts about these fascinating creatures.

Animal Interesting Fact
Pangolin Is the world’s most trafficked mammal
Peacock The male displays its colorful tail feathers to attract mates
Pelican Has a stretchy pouch on its bill to store fish
Penguin Only found in the Southern Hemisphere
Pheasant Has colorful plumage and is often hunted for sport
Pigeon Can find its way back home from hundreds of miles away
Piranha Has razor-sharp teeth and hunts in packs
Platypus Has a bill like a duck, lays eggs, and produces milk
Polar Bear Has a thick layer of fur and blubber to survive in the Arctic
Porcupine Has quills on its back to defend itself
Prairie Dog Lives in underground burrows in large communities
Praying Mantis Can rotate its head 180 degrees and eat its mate after mating
Python Is a non-venomous constrictor that can grow up to 33 feet long
Panther Also known as a black leopard or black jaguar
Parrot Can mimic human speech and sounds
Possum Plays dead as a defense mechanism
Puma Also known as a mountain lion or cougar
Peccary Has a strong odor to deter predators
Pygmy Hippopotamus Is a small, endangered hippopotamus species
Panthera Tigris Scientific name for the tiger
Poison Dart Frog Has toxic skin secretions to deter predators
Patagonian Mara Is a large rodent that looks like a hare
Pallas’s Cat Has a distinctive, flat face and is found in Asia
Pied Tamarin Is a small, endangered monkey species found in Brazil
Philippine Eagle Is one of the world’s largest eagles
Pink Fairy Armadillo Is a small, endangered armadillo species with pink shell
Plains Zebra Has distinctive black and white stripes
Puffin Has colorful beaks and can fly underwater
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin Is a fast and acrobatic swimmer
Pygmy Jerboa Is a small, jumping rodent found in Central Asia
Painted Turtle Has colorful markings on its shell
Pygmy Rabbit Is the smallest rabbit species in North America
Palawan Peacock-Pheasant Is a critically endangered bird found in the Philippines
Pacific Walrus Has long tusks and can weigh up to 1.5 tons
Pink River Dolphin Also known as the boto, is found in the Amazon River
Philippine Tarsier Is a small, endangered primate with big eyes
Pink Tongued Skink Has a bright pink tongue and can live up to 20 years
Pine Marten Is a small, tree-dwelling member of the weasel family
Plains Bison Is a large, grazing mammal found in North America
Pocket Gopher Is a burrowing rodent that creates tunnels underground
Pronghorn Is the fastest land mammal in North America
Proboscis Monkey Has a distinctive, long nose and lives in Borneo
Pacific Angel Shark Is a flat, bottom-dwelling shark
Paper Wasp Builds nests out of paper-like material
Patas Monkey Is a long-legged, ground-dwelling primate found in Africa
Pea Crab Is the world’s smallest crab
Pangolin Is the only mammal covered in scales
Peafowl Refers to the male and female of the peacock species
Percheron Is a large, powerful draft horse breed
Philippine Flying Lemur Can glide up to 100 meters in a single leap
Pine Snake Is a non-venomous snake species found in North America
Pink Salmon Is a common species of Pacific salmon
Piping Plover Is a small shorebird that nests on sandy beaches
Plains Pocket Mouse Is a tiny rodent found in the deserts of North America
Plumed Basilisk Can run on water for short distances
Polar Fox Also known as the Arctic fox, is found in the northernmost regions of the world
Porbeagle Shark Is a cold-water shark species with a pointed snout
Potto Is a nocturnal primate with a prehensile tail
Praying Mantid Can swivel its head to scan its surroundings
Prehensile-Tailed Porcupine Can use its tail to grasp and hold onto branches
Pronghorn Antelope Is the second-fastest land animal after the cheetah
Pudu Is a small deer species found in South America
Puma Cat Also known as a cougar or mountain lion, is a large predator found in the Americas
Pygmy Chameleon Is one of the world’s smallest reptile species
Pygmy Hippopotamus Is a small hippopotamus species found in West Africa
Pygmy Sperm Whale Is one of the smallest species of whale
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Is a small bird species found in Asia
Paradise Fish Is a popular aquarium fish with colorful scales
Patagonian Toothfish Also known as Chilean sea bass, is a popular commercial fish
Peacock Spider Has brightly colored markings and performs elaborate courtship dances
Pelagic Cormorant Is a seabird that dives for fish
Philippine Crocodile Is a critically endangered crocodile species found in the Philippines
Plains Hog-Nosed Snake Has a distinctive upturned snout
Plum-Headed Parakeet Is a small, colorful bird found in South Asia
Poisonous Dart Frog Has highly toxic skin secretions used by indigenous tribes for hunting
Polar Bear Dog Was a fictional hybrid creature in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender
Polish Chicken Has a distinctive pom-pom on its head
Polydactyl Cat Has extra toes on its paws
Potoo Bird Has a unique, owl-like appearance and can camouflage itself on tree branches
Prairie Falcon Is a bird of prey found in North America
Pyrenean Ibex Was a subspecies of wild goat that went extinct in 2000
Pyrrhuloxia Is a bird species found in the southwestern United States and Mexico
Pacific Black Duck Is a common waterfowl species found in Australia and New Zealand
Pacific Giant Octopus Is the largest species of octopus and can weigh over 150 pounds
Painted Stork Is a large wading bird with brightly colored plumage
Pallas’s Fish-Eagle Is a large bird of prey found in Asia
Palawan Horned Frog Is a unique frog species with horn-like projections above its eyes
Panther Chameleon Has the ability

Conclusion: Animals That Start with P

In the end, learning about animals that start with P can be a fun and interesting way to increase your knowledge about the natural world.

From the powerful and majestic Polar Bear to the tiny and adorable Pygmy Marmoset, there are a variety of fascinating creatures to discover.

By appreciating the diversity of animal life on our planet, we can develop a greater understanding and respect for the world around us.

So why not take some time to explore the amazing animals that start with P and discover something new today?

Also Read: Animals by Letter Lists –

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