Spanish Words That Start With Q

The Spanish language is known for its rich vocabulary, and there are many words that start with the letter Q.

In this article, we will explore 100 Spanish words that start with Q, along with their English translations and features.

Table of Contents

List of Spanish Words That Start With Q

Spanish Words That Start With Q

Here is a table with 100 Spanish words that start with Q, their English translations, and their features:

S.No Spanish Word English Meaning Feature
1 Que That Pronoun
2 Quien Who Pronoun
3 Querer To Want Verb
4 Queja Complaint Noun
5 Quimica Chemistry Noun
6 Quince Fifteen Number
7 Quererse To Love Oneself Verb
8 Quisiera I Would Like Verb
9 Quilómetro Kilometer Noun
10 Quemar To Burn Verb
11 Queso Cheese Noun
12 Quinceañera Fifteen-Year-Old Noun
13 Químico Chemical Adjective
14 Quebrar To Break Verb
15 Querido Dear Adjective
16 Quinceavo One-Fifteenth Number
17 Quemado Burnt Adjective
18 Química Chemistry Noun
19 Quehacer Chore Noun
20 Quinientos Five Hundred Number
21 Quinientas Five Hundred Number
22 Quemarse To Burn Oneself Verb
23 Quemador Burner Noun
24 Quesadilla Quesadilla Noun
25 Quebrado Broken Adjective
26 Quemazón Burning Sensation Noun
27 Quimera Chimera Noun
28 Quilmes Quilmes Noun
29 Quilate Carat Noun
30 Quid Quintal Noun
31 Quebrantado Brokenhearted Adjective
32 Querubín Cherub Noun
33 Quinceava One-Fifteenth Number
34 Quitar To Remove Verb
35 Querencia Favorite Place Noun
36 Quiromancia Palmistry Noun
37 Quincenal Biweekly Adjective
38 Quinientos Five Hundred Number
39 Quieto Quiet Adjective
40 Quimioterapia Chemotherapy Noun
41 Quirófano Operating Room Noun
42 Quimera Chimera Noun
43 Quema Burning Noun
44 Quinientos Five Hundred Number
45 Quinientas Five Hundred Number
46 Quesillo Cheese Flan Noun
47 Quejarse To Complain Verb
48 Quemador Heater Noun
49 Quinientos Five Hundred Number
50 Spanish Word English Translation Feature
51 Quebradizo Brittle Adjective
52 Quijote Don Quixote Noun
53 Querubines Cherubs Noun
54 Quincena Fortnight Noun
55 Quinta Fifth Adjective
56 Quisquilloso Fussy Adjective
57 Quejido Groan Noun
58 Quejumbroso Whiny Adjective
59 Quemante Burning Adjective
60 Quinceavo One-Fifteenth Number
61 Quinquenio Five-Year Period Noun
62 Quimera Illusion Noun
63 Quinientos Five Hundred Number
64 Químico Chemist Noun
65 Quioscro Kiosk Noun
66 Querida Beloved Noun
67 Quinceañero Fifteen-Year-Old Noun
68 Quirúrgico Surgical Adjective
69 Quince Quince Noun
70 Quimérico Unreal Adjective
71 Quejador Complainer Noun
72 Quiosco Newsstand Noun
73 Quiropráctico Chiropractor Noun
74 Queso Azul Blue Cheese Noun
75 Quimioterapéutico Chemotherapeutic Adjective
76 Quehacencia Work Noun
77 Quiosquero Newsdealer Noun
78 Quinua Quinoa Noun
79 Quesera Cheese Factory Noun
80 Quimera Fantasy Noun
81 Quieto Still Adjective
82 Quincenalmente Biweekly Adverb
83 Quilogramo Kilogram Noun
84 Quillotra Quillotra Noun
85 Quinientos Five Hundred Number
86 Quimioterapia Chemotherapy Noun
87 Quebrada Ravine Noun
88 Quiromasaje Massage Noun
89 Quebradura Fracture Noun
90 Quisquilloso Picky Adjective
91 Quilombo Mess Noun
92 Quimera Delusion Noun
93 Quinceavo One-Fifteenth Number
94 Quinceañera Quinceanera Noun
95 Quimérico Imaginary Adjective
96 Quemante Scorching Adjective
97 Quinientos Five Hundred Number
98 Quinquevalente Quintuple Adjective
99 Quirófano Surgery Room Noun
100 Quilate Carat (unit of weight for gems) Noun

Conclusion: Spanish Words That Start With Q

This list showcases a diverse range of Spanish words that start with the letter Q, with their English translations and features provided in a table format.

From common words like “querer” (to want) to more uncommon words like “quilombo” (mess), this list highlights the richness and complexity of the Spanish language.

By learning and incorporating these words into your Spanish vocabulary, you can not only expand your language skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural nuances and linguistic subtleties of the Spanish-speaking world.

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