The Spanish language is known for its rich vocabulary, and there are many words that start with the letter Q.
In this article, we will explore 100 Spanish words that start with Q, along with their English translations and features.
List of Spanish Words That Start With Q
Here is a table with 100 Spanish words that start with Q, their English translations, and their features:
S.No | Spanish Word | English Meaning | Feature |
1 | Que | That | Pronoun |
2 | Quien | Who | Pronoun |
3 | Querer | To Want | Verb |
4 | Queja | Complaint | Noun |
5 | Quimica | Chemistry | Noun |
6 | Quince | Fifteen | Number |
7 | Quererse | To Love Oneself | Verb |
8 | Quisiera | I Would Like | Verb |
9 | Quilómetro | Kilometer | Noun |
10 | Quemar | To Burn | Verb |
11 | Queso | Cheese | Noun |
12 | Quinceañera | Fifteen-Year-Old | Noun |
13 | QuÃmico | Chemical | Adjective |
14 | Quebrar | To Break | Verb |
15 | Querido | Dear | Adjective |
16 | Quinceavo | One-Fifteenth | Number |
17 | Quemado | Burnt | Adjective |
18 | QuÃmica | Chemistry | Noun |
19 | Quehacer | Chore | Noun |
20 | Quinientos | Five Hundred | Number |
21 | Quinientas | Five Hundred | Number |
22 | Quemarse | To Burn Oneself | Verb |
23 | Quemador | Burner | Noun |
24 | Quesadilla | Quesadilla | Noun |
25 | Quebrado | Broken | Adjective |
26 | Quemazón | Burning Sensation | Noun |
27 | Quimera | Chimera | Noun |
28 | Quilmes | Quilmes | Noun |
29 | Quilate | Carat | Noun |
30 | Quid | Quintal | Noun |
31 | Quebrantado | Brokenhearted | Adjective |
32 | QuerubÃn | Cherub | Noun |
33 | Quinceava | One-Fifteenth | Number |
34 | Quitar | To Remove | Verb |
35 | Querencia | Favorite Place | Noun |
36 | Quiromancia | Palmistry | Noun |
37 | Quincenal | Biweekly | Adjective |
38 | Quinientos | Five Hundred | Number |
39 | Quieto | Quiet | Adjective |
40 | Quimioterapia | Chemotherapy | Noun |
41 | Quirófano | Operating Room | Noun |
42 | Quimera | Chimera | Noun |
43 | Quema | Burning | Noun |
44 | Quinientos | Five Hundred | Number |
45 | Quinientas | Five Hundred | Number |
46 | Quesillo | Cheese Flan | Noun |
47 | Quejarse | To Complain | Verb |
48 | Quemador | Heater | Noun |
49 | Quinientos | Five Hundred | Number |
50 | Spanish Word | English Translation | Feature |
51 | Quebradizo | Brittle | Adjective |
52 | Quijote | Don Quixote | Noun |
53 | Querubines | Cherubs | Noun |
54 | Quincena | Fortnight | Noun |
55 | Quinta | Fifth | Adjective |
56 | Quisquilloso | Fussy | Adjective |
57 | Quejido | Groan | Noun |
58 | Quejumbroso | Whiny | Adjective |
59 | Quemante | Burning | Adjective |
60 | Quinceavo | One-Fifteenth | Number |
61 | Quinquenio | Five-Year Period | Noun |
62 | Quimera | Illusion | Noun |
63 | Quinientos | Five Hundred | Number |
64 | QuÃmico | Chemist | Noun |
65 | Quioscro | Kiosk | Noun |
66 | Querida | Beloved | Noun |
67 | Quinceañero | Fifteen-Year-Old | Noun |
68 | Quirúrgico | Surgical | Adjective |
69 | Quince | Quince | Noun |
70 | Quimérico | Unreal | Adjective |
71 | Quejador | Complainer | Noun |
72 | Quiosco | Newsstand | Noun |
73 | Quiropráctico | Chiropractor | Noun |
74 | Queso Azul | Blue Cheese | Noun |
75 | Quimioterapéutico | Chemotherapeutic | Adjective |
76 | Quehacencia | Work | Noun |
77 | Quiosquero | Newsdealer | Noun |
78 | Quinua | Quinoa | Noun |
79 | Quesera | Cheese Factory | Noun |
80 | Quimera | Fantasy | Noun |
81 | Quieto | Still | Adjective |
82 | Quincenalmente | Biweekly | Adverb |
83 | Quilogramo | Kilogram | Noun |
84 | Quillotra | Quillotra | Noun |
85 | Quinientos | Five Hundred | Number |
86 | Quimioterapia | Chemotherapy | Noun |
87 | Quebrada | Ravine | Noun |
88 | Quiromasaje | Massage | Noun |
89 | Quebradura | Fracture | Noun |
90 | Quisquilloso | Picky | Adjective |
91 | Quilombo | Mess | Noun |
92 | Quimera | Delusion | Noun |
93 | Quinceavo | One-Fifteenth | Number |
94 | Quinceañera | Quinceanera | Noun |
95 | Quimérico | Imaginary | Adjective |
96 | Quemante | Scorching | Adjective |
97 | Quinientos | Five Hundred | Number |
98 | Quinquevalente | Quintuple | Adjective |
99 | Quirófano | Surgery Room | Noun |
100 | Quilate | Carat (unit of weight for gems) | Noun |
Conclusion: Spanish Words That Start With Q
This list showcases a diverse range of Spanish words that start with the letter Q, with their English translations and features provided in a table format.
From common words like “querer” (to want) to more uncommon words like “quilombo” (mess), this list highlights the richness and complexity of the Spanish language.
By learning and incorporating these words into your Spanish vocabulary, you can not only expand your language skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural nuances and linguistic subtleties of the Spanish-speaking world.
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